5 Simple Ways to Instantly Boost Your Confidence

My story

I’m here to encourage, empower, and guide you by providing the space and tools to help you shift your confidence and find your voice.

I am Crystal Dela Cruz

free guide

Shift Your Self-Confidence

Building confidence can be a daunting task. For most, like me, we go straight to “How?” or “Where do I start?” But, as most of you know, the journey to finding self-confidence is more like a rollercoaster than a stroll in the park. First, I’m now in my mid-30s, and confidence is different for me than it was in my 20s and teens.

When we build confidence, we do precisely that – we BUILD. Therefore, the building is a process and involves steps. Like many processes, it’s not “one-size fits all.” Yet, one size can fit many. 

My journey toward becoming a life coach was a path that required CONFIDENCE. No one believed in me. Even worse, I didn’t believe in myself. So I had to build the confidence to choose what I felt was best for me. This decision took much reflection, meditation, prayer, hope, and building trust with myself. 

I know what you might be asking me as you read this – “what happens when I need confidence now? Is there a way to instantly boost confidence?” Short answer – ABSOLUTELY! 

The ONE question I want you to think or journal about is, “What is MY definition of confidence, and what does it look like?” It’s safe to assume that everyone has different definitions of confidence. You can draw a picture, write down words, etc. Whatever gets your creative juices going! While you take this time to internalize your own process, below are 5 ways to boost your confidence immediately. From freshening up your closet to an invigorating workout, here are my top 5 confidence-boosting activities:

  1. Glam it up! – Yes, WORK IT! “If you a fly gal, get your nails done, get a pedicure, get your hair did.” Missy Elliott wasn’t playing around. When’s the last time you had a fresh haircut or spent resources on yourself? You DESERVE an updated look for the confident person you are. Even if it’s for a fun date night with Netflix, a cozy sweater, your couch, and a cup of tea. You KNOW you feel and look like a 10! 
  1. Say Y.E.S!- Is there a hobby you’ve always wanted to try yet talked yourself out of it? Or something that you have been asked that you’re afraid to do? I’m a big fan of getting out of my comfort zone. My advice is simple – say YES and rise to the occasion. Doing what you need to overcome your fear is an instant confidence booster. It’s also a great way to build trust with yourself
  1. Get organized, get clear – Start with a clean space. Organize the areas where you need it the most. Create a schedule that works for you and manage your time. Organize physical clutter that’s manifested all over your bedroom or office. You’ll quickly realize how a tidy space can boost creativity AND confidence. 
  1. Hello to your new wardrobe! – So you organized your spaces, and maybe that included your closet. Head over to your local vintage store or second-hand shop. Maybe you like to shop online, in which my recommendation is ThredUp or a clothing rental service like FashionPass. Pick a cute top or a daring cocktail dress you know you’ll rock on your next night out. There’s nothing like a closet that reflects a bold and CONFIDENT YOU!
  1. Exercise! – Yes, I said it. Get your workout on and sweat. Exercise is scientifically proven to boost your mood and confidence. Add a quick 30-minute workout routine to get your day going, or go for a walk and get some air with your pet. Call your bestie and make it a daily thing. My favorite exercise for building confidence is dancing. Put on your favorite playlist and JUST MOVE.

If you need to boost your energy and confidence, there are plenty of ways to do it. Engage in one, many, or all of these activities and watch your confidence soar.

For extra guidance, download my FREE “Shift Your Confidence” Workbook.

With love and light…

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My story

I’m here to encourage, empower, and guide you by providing the space and tools to help you shift your confidence and find your voice.

I am Crystal Dela Cruz

free guide

Shift Your Self-Confidence